There was also a book that introduced all of the museums, large and small, in the county. It was the first weekend of the school summer holidays and Sean's Dad hoped that this would be valuable information for use over the coming weeks. Sean seemed to like it.

Sean's Dad had not allowed any extra time for the fact that it was the first weekend of the school holidays. So they had an unexpected long wait in line to buy tickets for the movie.

But, after the long wait, at 09:42 on Craig's Dad's watch they were offered tickets to the 09:40 session. Sean was happy because that session was not only in Chinese, more importantly, it was in 3-D.

Sean had heaps of fun during the movie and, once again, laughed as loudly as anyone in the theatre. He really has a lot of fun at the movies and other people often notice. On the way out, Sean allowed his Dad to take a photo of him wearing the 3-D glasses. Pretty cool, huh?

Then, there was half an hour of air hockey. Sean scored way too many own goals on this occasion. Sean's Dad won playing left-handed the whole way!

Due to a mix-up between Sean's Mum and Sean's Dad about where Sean was supposed to eat lunch. That meant Sean had to eat lunch purchased at a convenience store in the salubrious surroundings provided by the steps outside of a post office. Sean seemed quite happy about this despite the look on his face in this picture.

Just a few minutes before Sean's Mum was due to arrive to pick him up, Sean went inside the post office to have a look. The main part was closed for the weekend, as you would expect, but Sean found a machine that dispensed stamps.

He simply had to have one of the souvenir stamps that had a picture of the two pandas given to Taiwan by China last year. Luckily, Sean's Dad had plenty of change to put in the machine.

And, then it was time to part. Sean said he would like to see the new Pixar movie Up, that was not only featured on the little flyer attached to their movie tickets, shorts for the movie were shown in 3-D before Ice Age 3. So, Sean's Dad will almost certainly be required to take Sean to see that movie when it comes out at the end of this month.
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