After a short discussion about what they could do, Sean asked to be taken shopping for more bike gear. So, they were soon in an expensive bike shop in the middle of town.

Sean's Dad tried to take a picture of Sean looking at a pair of cycling shoes but Sean didn't want to look at the camera.

After they went outside Sean consented to having his picture taken.

In the end, Sean bought a pair of shoes at another shop. By that time they had done so much shopping that it was lunchtime. Sean's Dad insisted on sitting outdoors in the sun. After they sat down, Sean's Dad tried to take a picture of the boy but Sean hid from the camera under his Dad's jacket.

Just after they had ordered their food, a small bird flew smack into the side of the building and fell down on the pavement a few metres away from where they were sitting. Sean ran over to it quickly and pushed away the hands of a male waiter who was going to pick it up. Sean picked it up gently and put the stunned bird in the box that came with his new shoes.

He took pictures of the poor bird and very gently tested its wings and legs for injuries but the bird seemed fine physically.

Sean was very gentle but sure-handed when picking up the bird and checking it out for possible injury.

Soon the bird was feeling well enough to fly about 10 metres to a nearby tree. Sean kept an eye on it while eating his pizza just to make sure it didn't need any more help but it soon flew off.

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