His Dad finally managed to take a picture when Sean wasn't looking but he wasn't very close to the camera so it's not a great picture.
The movie wasn't very exciting. It was an American cartoon about racing cars. Sean's dad liked the voice of the old racing car but Sean became a bit restless when the cars kept talking to each other and the young boy car couldn't decide if he liked the young girl car or not....... it was a bit dull. (Apart from Paul Newman's voice.)
Then, Sean and his Dad went for a walk through a nearby shopping mall. There was a big toy store on the top floor and Sean found plenty of stuff to play with in there. He liked the Playstation and had some fun with some robot dinosaurs. But, when he and his Dad began to play fussball he really had a very good time. After they had played for almost an hour on the demonstration table in the shop, Sean's Dad (foolishly) thought it would be a good idea to buy one and take it home. Then, they could play at home as much as they liked.
Unfortunately, the table that Sean's Dad bought was no good. In fact, it was a piece of Made in China rubbish. It wasn't the same model as the demonstration table in the shop! The ball wouldn't roll into the middle of the table making it impossible to score a goal!
Pretty soon, Sean became bored and went to watch TV.
Sean wasn't happy. His Dad tried to fix the table but it was hopeless. It had just been made so badly that it was unfixable and that made Sean's Dad unhappy, too.

So, Sean went home to his Mum's place that night feeling unhappy. The next day, his Dad took the table back to the toy store and exchanged it for another one. He found out that none of the fussball tables for sale in the shop were exactly the same as the display table!
The store had three tables for sale. Two were rubbish and one was slightly nicer and much cheaper! It was cheap because it was small, about half the size of the two rubbish ones. It was made for children and Sean's Dad thought that would be good. So, he took one home.

But, Sean didn't like it. The next time he came to his Dad's home, he played with his Dad on the little table for about 15 minutes and then gave up.
So, now the little table sits in the front room waiting for someone to play..... but no-one ever does.

The End
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