Sean looked tired and behaved a bit like he had just woken up when he came down downstairs to meet Sean's Dad at about 8:20am on Sunday. Ordering breakfast was difficult.

After breakfast they got on Sean's Dad's motor scooter and rode for almost half an hour to Ikea. Sean said he wanted to buy a new comfy chair for his room at home. Unfortunately, they arrived just after 9am and the main store was not yet open. The restaurant portion of the place had plenty of people having breakfast, so they sat there to wait until the 10am opening time.

Sean started by looking at the chairs in the room displays. He had a very clear idea of what he wanted.
He seemed quite happy with this one until he looked at the price, NT$16,000!! It was covered in leather and, as you would expect for that much money, quite comfy.

Then Sean spent a long time with this chair and footstool set. He was very impressed that they came as a pair at about a quarter of the price of the expensive leather chair.

He even tried out some of the outdoor furniture just for fun.

After ordering the chair and footstool set and arranging pick-up, lunch was had at a nearby cafe. While waiting for his food, Sean mixed himself a very ugly drink using water, sugar and cinnamon. It didn't look nor smell remotely drinkable.

Sean had a bit of trouble eating his ribs with a knive and fork. His Dad suggested using his fingers and was rewarded with one of the ribs. Sean has grown a bit taller recently but he is still a very fussy eater.

The ride back to Muzha was almost as cold as the earlier ride into town. Sean insisted on riding on the back of bike and clasping his hands across his Dad's belly. That made the ride feel a little bit dangerous for Sean's Dad because Sean dropped off to sleep a couple of times. It was very scary when his hands lost their grip suddenly a couple of times but he arrived back at his Mum's shop safe and sound.
Then, on his way to work, Sean's Dad came across this very strange protest across the road from
Taipei 101.

The former tallest building in the world is visted by hordes of tourists from mainland China. So the protest was almost certainly aimed at them. Sean's Dad didn't have time to ask them, he had to get to work at 1:30pm and he'd done a couple of hours of riding through the cold winter air already.