While waiting in line waiting to buy tickets to see Slumdog Millionaire (Sean's choice), a lady waiting in line directly in front of Sean and his Dad reached into her handbag and pulled out a gift for Sean. Speaking in barely intelligible English, the lady told Sean that she is 76 years old. Why? We will never know.

As soon as they bought their tickets, Sean and his Dad had to run into the theatre. After the movie, Sean said he liked it but Sean's Dad thinks Sean mostly liked the funny parts, he became a bit fidgety during the dramatic parts. No popcorn or drinks during the movie meant that Sean was hungry right afterwards. He ordered a steak for lunch.

Sean didn't touch the soup or the salad that came with his meal but he got stuck right into the steak and the veggies.

Sean's Dad hasn't seen the boy eat so quickly for a long time. Sean finished his steak much faster than his Dad could eat his burger.

Sean's Dad really enjoyed sitting in the beautiful warm sun after a very cold ride out to pick Sean up in the morning. The weather had changed quite a lot while they were inside the theatre, warming up almost 10 degrees Celsius, but all good things come to an end. It was soon time to take Sean back to meet up with his mum.