You can read about the movie here.
Sean didn't have a proper breakfast. He prefered to eat popcorn while waiting to be allowed into the theatre.

Sean seemed to like the movie but after leaving the theater he quickly became interested in playing air hockey.

After at least 30 minutes of air hockey Sean's interest was clearly on the wane but only a few feet away was a foosball table.

Unfortunately, it was a proper big table meant for two-against-two games. That was bad for Sean because he was a bit slow to work out how to defend his goal. Sean's Dad won every game but not because he was good. Sean simply scored too many own goals to have a chance. Maybe next time.

To his credit, Sean didn't get unhappy. He simply moved on to a machine that Sean's Dad had never seen before.

Sean was pretty good at this game but he couldn't play for long because it was soon time to go home.