The dog is very cute but not particularly obedient so Sean held him up so that Sean's Dad could get a better picture.

Sean was still a bit sleepy and spent a bit of time reading the menu before choosing what he wanted for breakfast.

He quickly finished the iced Ovaltine he had ordered and then chewed the straw into a funny shape.

Sean spent a bit of time reading the newspaper rather than eating but eventually he finished his toasted chicken sandwich.

They arrived at the movie theatre at 10:30am but the next session of Kung Fu Panda (Sean's choice) did not start until 12:05! So they had plenty of time to play as much air hockey as they wanted. After they had played for a while Sean's Dad tried to take a picture of Sean. But the boy is faster than the camera. He ducked but forgot to move his hands.

When Sean's Dad tried again Sean stood still long enough for his Dad to get a picture this time.

While watching the movie Sean laughed the loudest of anyone in the theatre. A woman sitting beside Sean's Dad thought Sean was very cute and kept elbowing her husband and then smiling at Sean. Sean seemed to like the movie but as soon as it was over Sean's Dad had to race him home and race to the office to do the news at FTV.