It was a very cute little lizard. If it was turned belly-up it would play dead and refuse to move.

When Sean and his Dad were eating breakfast, a very strange woman starting staring at Sean. His defence was to stare straight back.

After she left Sean relaxed.

Sean's Dad had some small gifts for him. There was an Australia Football shirt from his Aunty Annette, a souvenir fridge magnet from Great Keppel Island (in Australia) and a SpongeBob SquarePants eraser.

He seemed to like the eraser the most so when he looked like he wouldn't finish his breakfast, his Dad threatened to take it back. That worked well, breakfast was done in an instant.

Then it was time to go and play catch.

But, it was very hot and they soon stopped for a break. That was good for Sean because he seemed to prefer playing with his lizard.

Sean's Dad had also brought a special notebook. He wanted Sean to write a letter to his Grandad and Grandma in Australia.

Sean had also brought one of his own toys. Wang Chien-ming (or Chien-ming Wang as they call him in the U.S.) has made New York Yankees souvenirs of all kinds very popular in Taiwan.

But the most popular are the items with his name and number on the back.

Then it was back to throwing the ball. Sean was practising pitching.

His throwing action is pretty good.

And he likes to act the part, as well.

But he was also concerned about his lizard. He thought that the poor little thing might be too hot and that maybe a swim would be a good idea. The water in the puddle wasn't deep enough for the lizard to actually need to swim. The little guy spent most of his time just standing in the water. You can see his head sticking out of the water not far from the right hand edge of the puddle..... if your eyes are good.

Sean let the lizard have a sunbath to dry out.

And then gave the lizard a drink. It really was quite a hot day.

Then it was time to get down to the business of writing a letter to Sean's Grandad and Grandma.

But writing didn't last long. Playing with the lizard was far too attractive. Sean built a tiny island in the middle of the puddle for his lizard to sunbake on.

And allowed the lizard to take up temporary residence.

Even though it wasn't much past midday. Sean, his Dad and the lizard had to leave and find a place indoors.

An afternoon thunderstorm was closing in.

McDonalds had spare seats and anyone buying a children's meal could choose one of five plastic toys.

Sean was very careful about putting the stickers on his car.

In fact, he did a really good job.

After that, Sean finally finished the letter that his Dad had been trying to get him to write all morning.
When he was finished, Sean's Dad translated it into English for Sean's Grandad and Grandma.
So now, the first two pages of Sean's notebook looks like this.